The Reverend Joseph Garvan Digges, M.A.
The Reverend Joseph Garvan Digges, M.A. (b 1858 d 1933). Ecclesiastic, Beekeeper, Organist and Composer. Broadly considered the Father of Irish beekeeping and...
The Reverend Joseph Garvan Digges, M.A. (b 1858 d 1933). Ecclesiastic, Beekeeper, Organist and Composer. Broadly considered the Father of Irish beekeeping and...
The Aleatoric Revisionist Balladeers Collective. Little is known about this group other than that they numbered six and met several times over the...
PrimAUDial Language Performances Happenings. Occurring between 1950 – 1974 on Great Blasket Island and then later around the Dingle Peninsula, PrimAUDial Language Performances...
Os Ard Irish Text Score/Composition by Róisín Madigan O’Reilly, completed between 1925 – 1926. Following exposure to Kurt Schwitters’ experimental work Ursonate in...